The state a few years ago

Today is 2009 Jan 31. I am running an Intel Mac with OS X 10.5.6 .

This describes how to build the compiler for your machine from source.

I fetched this. I moved it to a new folder where I double clicked it which produced a folder named ‘algol68g-mk15.1’. (Then I deleted the downloaded .tgz file.) In a shell, I cd'ed to algol68g-mk15.1. and then I performed: “./configure”. It reminded me that I do not have GNU plotutils, GNU scientific library, or PostgreSQL installed.

I performed “make”. It finished in much less than one minute, leaving behind an executable file a68g. Doing “gzip a68g” replaces the file a68g with a68g.gz. If you download my a68g.gz then your browser may convert it to a68g, otherwise you may do so with the shell command “gunzip a68g.gz”. You then need to do the command “chmod 755 a68g” to make a68g executable. You should already know that such an act makes your machine vulnerable to me—alas that is the state of today’s operating systems.

If file sss contains just the text “print(42)” then the command “./a68g sss” should print “+42” which results from running the complete Algol 68 program “print(42)”.