Norman Hardy

143 Ramona Road
Portola Valley CA, 94028
650 851 2582

Education: BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley 1955
Objective: Advance the state of the art of stable and secure software.

Member of Metricom’s Technical Advisory Board, 2000-2001
Agorics, Los Altos, CA, 1994 - 2005
Analysis of by ActionScript platform security for Macromedia.
Contract research at Sun Microsystems. We proposed and implemented systems to allocate computer resources based on market mechanisms. We contributed to an experimental port of Keykos to a workstation for Amdahl corporation.
Helped develop electronic check system with Financial Services Technology Consortium
Consulting with Autodesk and Xanadu, 1991

Adaptation of operating system style security principles to a high level language.
Key Logic, Cupertino, CA, 1985 - Apr. 1991
Senior scientist at a start-up company based upon Keykos which was originally developed by me while at Tymshare.
Tymshare, Cupertino, CA 1967-April 1985
In roles from Manager of Operating Systems Programming and Communications Programming to Senior Scientist for the corporation for eighteen years, I directly guided and influenced the development of several of Tymshare’s fundamental technologies.
Major rework of Timesharing system for the SDS 940 computer which was Tymshare’s original service offering. Extensive additions to the PDP-10 operating system. I headed the original team of programmers that enhanced IBM’s VM system for Tymshare’s 370 service. We adapted the system to provide service over Tymnet.
Co-instigator and architect of Tymnet, a system that has now grown to provide 15,000 access ports in more than 60 countries to over one thousand host computers. This technology has evolved and become British Telecom’s international packet switched service.
Instigator and primary architect of Keykos, an operating system foundation designed for simplicity, compactness, great flexibility, ruggedness and a capacity for growth. Keykos is intended as a unique and powerful framework for the unification of computing and communications.
Design, coding and testing of the Keykos process management and message facilities, and the invention, design, implementation of Factories, a security facility, for which a patent has been granted.
IBM, Menlo Park, CA 1966-1967
Senior Programmer. Member of the group developing ACS, a super-computer and architectural precursor to the RS/6000, concentrating upon operating system design.

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, CA 1955-1966

Physicist. Staff advisor to director of Computation department.
Research in difference equations. Contributed to mathematics and program design of the early large two-dimensional hydrodynamics program at LRL (for IBM 701), Contributed to subsequent versions.
Both general and application specific graphics software. I/O routines for 704, 709 and 7094. Extensive design and coding for LRL’s STRETCH operating system and Fortran compiler.
Design for Octopus, a system that would now be called a Local Area Network with diverse servers. The elaborate system now in use at Livermore is a direct descendent of the Octopus architecture.
Loaned to IBM, Poughkeepsie, for two years to design and code operating systems and compilers for STRETCH and HARVEST.
Consultant to Control Data on design of the 6600 and to NSA on technical matters. CDC 6600 timesharing system design and coding, 6600 Fortran, Lisp and utilities.
Programming Languages
Fortran, LISP, PL/I, Pascal, Algol 68, C, Scheme, Java.
Computer Security System (The Factory Patent) [US04584639]
Lightweight non repudiation system and method [US05790669]
Capability security for transparent distributed object systems [US05781633]
Diverse goods arbitration system and method for allocating resources in a distributed computer system [US05640569]
Capability security for distributed object systems [US05852666]
Distributed garbage collection system and method [US05960087]
Persistent Distributed Capabilities [US06049838]
Electronic authority server [US06073242]
System and Method for Generating Unique Secure Values for Digitally Signing Documents [US06079018]
Generic Transfer of Exclusive Rights [US06161121]

Web pages:
A number of projects that I have done are described on my pages at