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4. Foundations

Computation takes place in a context that determines what sorts of events can and cannot occur; this context can be viewed as the foundation of the rest of the system. Computational markets will require foundations that permit and forbid the right sorts of events. To simplify this discussion, the following explores foundations that provide for a basic uniformity in the nature of objects and their interactions despite differences in complexity and scale. In real systems, uniform foundations will ease the process of changing scale-dependent decisions and will make possible a unified set of conceptual and software tools spanning different scales.

It should be emphasized, however, that implementation of an agoric system will not demand adoption of a standard programming language. So long as certain constraints are met at the interfaces between objects coded by different parties, the language used inside an object can be freely chosen. The necessary constraints can be imposed by either the language or the operating system.

Computational foundations are frequently expressed in the form of programming language or operating system designs. Programming languages have evolved chiefly to provide abstractions for organizing computation on a small scale-the computation occurring inside a single machine and serving a single user. This has unfortunately led many programming lan- guage designers to make decisions (such as providing for global variables or access to arbitrary memory addresses) that make these languages unsuitable for organizing computation on a very large scale. The Actor languages, Argus, the concurrent logic programming languages (such as FCP), and the Mach operating system are examples of systems which have been designed to be extensible to large, open systems. These are covered in this book respectively in [II], [III], [IV], [V], and [VI]. All these projects have arrived at broadly similar models of computation from different directions, suggesting that their common elements will be of general value. This section briefly outlines some of the properties they share-properties which seem important for the implemention of computational markets.

4.1. Information and access

As indicated in Figure 2, the systems capable of supporting open computation all share support for the encapsulation and communication of information and access. Communication of information is fundamental to computation that involves more than a single object. Encapsulation of information involves separating internal state and implementation from external behavior, preventing one object from examining or tampering with the contents of another.

In conventional practice, encapsulation of information increases modularity and conceptual clarity during design, a feature of considerable value. In agoric systems, though, secure encapsulation will be essential during operation. Without security against examination, theft of proprietary information would be rampant, and the rewards for the creation of valuable code and information would be reduced or destroyed. Without security against tampering, objects could not trust each other's future behavior, or even their own. Encapsulation provides a sphere within which an object may act with complete control and predictability.

Comparison of Foundations

Encapsulation and communication of access-capability security-ensures that the ability to communicate with an object can only be obtained in certain ways, such as through deliberate communication. With capability security, object A can get access to object B only by:

  • (1) being born with it, when object A's creator already has that access;
  • (2) receiving it in a message (from an object that already has that access); or
  • (3) being the creator of object B.

Capability security is a common foundation for protection in operating systems. It appears to be a flexible and general mechanism able to support a wide variety of policies for providing access protection. In an open system without capability security, every object would have to verify the nature and legitimacy of every message it received, imposing unacceptable overhead on small, simple objects. With capability security, simple objects can "assume" that their messages come from legitimate sources, because their creators can implement policies that limit access to trusted parties.

Together, the above properties yield security while preserving flexibility. Despite the Turing-equivalence of most programming languages, they can nevertheless differ formally and absolutely in their ability to provide for security [25]. How can this be, if one can write an interpreter for a secure language in an insecure one?

Communication of Access

Turing-equivalence describes the abilities of a system, but security rests on inabilities-on the inability to violate certain rules. Adding an interpreter on top of a system cannot subtract abilities from the system itself (even if the interpreted language consists of nothing but inabilities, as can easily be arranged). Thus, adding interpreters cannot establish the inabilities needed for security.

The question is not "what functions can be computed?", but "given that I am a computational object, what is my relationship to an already populated computational environment?". Let us call a set of computational objects coded in an insecure programming language "reference level objects", and those which exist on top of a reference-level interpreter "interpreted objects". If the interpreter implements a secure language, then the interpreted objects are protected from each other. Reference level objects, however, can simply ignore the interpreter and wreak havoc on the interpreted objects.

4.2. Ownership and trade

As software systems have evolved toward greater modularity, encapsulation of information and access have become more clean, uniform, and reliable. As has been discussed, encapsulation in software serves the same crucial function as property rights in human affairs: it establishes protected spheres in which entities can plan the use of their resources free of interference from unpredictable external influences. This enables entities to plan and act despite the limited, local nature of most knowledge; it thus permits more effective use of divided knowledge, aiding the division of labor. The value of protected spheres and local knowledge has thus far been the sole motivation for giving software modules "property rights" through encapsulation.

In economic systems, property rights also enable economic entities to accumulate and control the results of their efforts, providing the basis for an incentive system having the desirable evolutionary properties outlined in [I]. In agoric systems, encapsulation will begin to serve this function as well.

Agoric systems also require the encapsulation and communication of computational resources, such as a memory block or a processor time slice. This prevents the evolution of parasitic objects [I], confines the costs of inefficiency to inefficient objects and their customers, and (in suitable implementations) makes performance information available locally.

Encapsulation and communication of resources correspond to ownership and voluntary transfer, the basis of trade.

A familiar systems programming construct which violates encapsulation of resources is the round-robin scheduler. In such a scheduler, the amount of processing power allocated to a process depends simply on the number of other processes. The processing power allocated to a given process will be reduced whenever some other process decides to spawn yet more processes. Under a round-robin scheduler, the processor is treated as a commons; given a diversity of interests, the usual tragedy is to be expected [26].

Artsy's paper on "The Design of Fully Open Computing Systems" (FOCS) [22] discusses an approach for an operating system design having the desirable properties specified above. Artsy's use of the term "fully open computing systems" corresponds to what would here be termed "extreme separation of mechanism and policy", where the mechanism is the support of protected transfer of ownership and the verification of ownership on access. All other resource allocation is then provided as user-level policy. Thus, schedulers and memory allocators are completely outside the secure operating system kernel and operate via an ownership-and-trade model. One can, for example, own and trade time-slices of a particular processor. Scheduling is performed at the user level by exchanging such commodities.

Starting from direct ownership of physical computational resources, more abstract models of ownership can be built. For example, a deadline scheduler can be viewed as follows: When a task is to be scheduled in a hard real-time application (i.e., one that must meet real-time deadlines), it should be known beforehand how long it will take and by what time it must be done. When a process wishes to insure that it will be able to schedule a set of such tasks, it can purchase "abstract future time slices"-not specific time slices, but rights to a time slice of a certain duration within a certain period. Since this gives the seller of time slices greater flexibility with respect to other clients, such time slices should cost less than concrete ones. This is like a futures market, but with guaranteed availability-an honest seller of time slices will not obligate himself to sell time slices he may not be able to get. (See also [27].)

4.3. Resource ownership and performance modularity

The activity of a running program may be analyzed in terms of competence and performance. Competence refers to what a program can do given sufficient resources, but without explicit consideration of these resources. Competence includes issues of safety-what the program will not do, and liveness-whether the program will eventually do what it is supposed to, or will instead infinitely loop or deadlock. Performance refers to the resources the program will use, the efficiency with which it will use them, and the time it will take to produce results-precisely those issues ignored by competence. Both these issues have been the subject of formal analysis: the competence aspects of a programming language may be formalized as a programming language semantics and used to analyze safety properties via proofs of partial correctness and liveness properties via proofs of termination. The performance aspects of a program may be formally analyzed via complexity theory and proofs of response time (for real-time programming).

Markets and 
Performance Modularity

Formalization alone, however, is insufficient for dealing with these issues in large programs-a complex non-modular program in a formalized language will often resist formal (or informal) validation of many important properties; modularity is needed to make analysis tractable. Modularization proceeds by separating interface from implementation, allowing concern with what a module does to be somewhat decoupled from concern with how it does it. Object-oriented programming and abstract data types aid modularization of competence issues, with message protocols serving as an abstract interface for competence effects [28]. Similarly, computational markets will aid modularization of performance issues, with prices serving as an abstract interface for resource costs.

4.4. Currency

For a broad market to emerge from these foundations, a system must provide for ownership and trade not only of basic computational resources, but also of virtual, user defined resources. Such resources can serve as tokens for establishing a system of currency. Public key communications systems [29] enable implemention of a secure banking system; within a mutually trusted hardware subsystem, capability-based security plus unforgeable unique identifiers are sufficient for establishing a public key system without resorting to encryption [25].

Accounting mechanisms have been used in software to some extent. Old time-sharing systems are one of the more familiar models-a fact which may raise grave concerns about the desirability of agoric systems. But using an agoric system would not mean a return to the bad old days of begging for a grant of hundreds of dollars of computer time and storage to edit a medium-sized document late at night, or to perform some now-inexpensive computation. The cost of computers has fallen. It will continue to fall, and personal computers will continue to spread. Aside from overhead (which can be made small), accounting for the costs of computation will not make computation more expensive. Making human beings pay for computer time is not the goal of computational markets.

In agoric systems, objects will charge each other and the machine will charge the objects. Given low enough communications costs and the right sorts of demand, a personal computer could earn money for its owner by serving others, instead of remaining idle. A machine's owner need not pay to use it, since the internal charges and revenues all balance. In a stand-alone computer, currency will simply circulate, incurring a computational overhead but providing internal accounting information which can guide internal decisions.

Inside one machine, one could have the foundations establish an official currency system. No secure way has yet been found to do so between mutually distrustful machines on a network without relying on mutually-trusted, third-party machines serving as banks. In accord with the goal of uniformity, such banks are here suggested as the general model for transfer of currency [25,30]. These banks can maintain accounts for two parties; when party A transfers money to party B, the bank can verify for B that the money has been transferred. (The cost of verification provides an incentive for A and B to establish enough trust to make frequent verification unnecessary.) In this model, it is unnecessary and perhaps impossible to establish any one currency as standard. There will instead be a variety of local currencies with exchange rates among them; it has been argued that this will result in greater monetary stability, and hence in a more efficient market, than one based on a single currency [31].

4.5. Open problems

At the foundational level, many open issues remain. Actors and FCP seem to be clean, simple open-systems programming languages, but they have no evident mechanism for dealing with machine failure. Argus is an open-systems language able to deal with this problem, but only by directly providing distributed abortable transactions as a basic mechanism. While such transactions provide much leverage, they are quite complex. A promising line of investigation is the design of a language having the simplicity of Actors or FCP, but which provides mechanisms for failure-handling that enable user-level policy to support Argus-style transactions. Even more satisfying than such a design would be a demonstration that Actors or FCP already have sufficient mechanism.

More central to agoric systems is adequate resource accounting. There is as yet no open-systems language which provides for ownership and trade of basic computational resources while preserving semantic uniformity and supporting the emergence of charging and prices. It seems this has been accomplished in the realm of operating systems design [22], but unfortunately in a way which is not yet amenable to distributed systems. It would be exciting to apply Artsy's work to open-systems oriented operating systems like Mach [IV].

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Last updated: 21 June 2001

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